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Keywords: Merih Celasun Memorial Day

Merih Celasun 2011 Award Winner Announced Merih Celasun 2011 Award given to the article titled "Agricultural Productivity and Growth in Turkey" by Prof. Ayşe İmrohoroğlu and Prof. Selahattin İmrohoroğlu of South Califonia University and Dr. Murat Üngör of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey.
Haber Resim
16/12/2011 ANKARA- The Competition for the Merih Celasun Awards launched by TEPAV has ended. Winner of this first competition was the study titled "Agricultural Productivity and Growth in Turkey" by Prof. Ayşe İmrohoroğlu and Prof. Selahattin İmrohoroğlu [More]
TEPAV is Accepting Applications for the Merih Celasun Award TEPAV is now accepting applications for the first Merih Celasun Award. The application deadline is September 15th, 2011
Haber Resim
06/07/2011 ANKARA - TEPAV has launched an annual award in the memory of Prof. Dr. Merih Celasun, who created remarkable solutions to Turkey's structural problems throughout his career. This year's topic will be "Turkey's growth problems" and applications are [More]
TEPAV Launches Competition for the Merih Celasun Award The money award in the competition for academic studies on Turkey's growth challenge is 10,000 TL.
Haber Resim
13/05/2011 ANKARA- TEPAV will grant the Merih Celasun Award starting in 2011 in memory of deceased Prof. Merih Celasun. The theme of this year's award is "Turkey's growth challenge." The winning study will be given 10,000 TL. TEPAV announced that the deadlin [More]
Prof. Rodrik of Harvard University: ‘Keep an Eye on the Manufacturing Industry and Services Sector for Sustaining Structural Transformation’ Dani Rodrik, commenting on Turkey's economy underlined that rate at which manufacturing is expanding employment has slowed down and many of the services that are growing are not as productive.
Haber Resim
22/12/2010 ANKARA - Prof. Dani Rodrik of Harvard University stated that it will be important for rapid, productivity-enhancing structural change to be sustained in order for Turkey to maintain its high rate of economic growth. Rodrik maintained that this m [More]
TEPAV Inaugurates the ‘Merih Celasun Memorial Day’ Events TEPAV inaugurates 'Merih  Celasun Memorial Day' events in commemoration of Prof. Merih Celasun who made valuable contributions to economics. In the first event of the series Prof. Dani Rodrik of Harvard University will deliver a presentation.
Haber Resim
14/12/2010 ANKARA - TEPAV, as a think-tank concentrating on identifying the problems of Turkey's economy and providing short and long term policies to remedy these problems, inaugurates memorial events for Prof. Merih Celasun who offered important solutions [More]